Neuroprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Polyherbal Formulation on Streptozotocin Induced Alzheimer’s Disease in Mice

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Vasudha Bakshi
K Sharath Kumar
Nazia Begum
Rahul M Kakalij


Objective: To investigate the effect of Polyherbal Formulation on cholinergic dysfunction in STZ induced Alzheimer‟s disease (AD). Methodoloy: The current study was designed to investigate the protective effect of Polyherbal Formulation (PHF) 200 and 400mg/kg for 21days. Swiss albino mice were injected with STZ (0.5mg/kg) on 14th day of pretreatment with PHF. Behavior pattern was assessed using Morris water maze, Y maze and Open field test. Biochemical estimations, namely brain Acetylcholinesterase (AchE), reduced glutathione (GSH), Catalase, Super oxide dismutase (SOD) and TBARS levels were performed. Results: The study showed that STZ significantly impaired learning and memory with a significant enhancement in brain AChE, TBARS and reduction in brain GSH, Catalase and SOD levels. Treatment of PHF significantly attenuated STZ induced behavioral and biochemical changes. The inhibitory effect of PHF on STZ induced dementia of AD type might be associated with its AchE inhibition and Free radical scavenging activity. Conclusion: The present study revealed that Polyherbal formulation significantly reduced AchE levels, oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and cognitive impairment. The neuroprotective effect of Polyherbal Formulation might be associated with its antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase activities.

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How to Cite
Bakshi V, Kumar K, Begum N, Kakalij R. Neuroprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Polyherbal Formulation on Streptozotocin Induced Alzheimer’s Disease in Mice. IJAPSR [Internet]. 1Mar.2016 [cited 22Feb.2025];1(01):1-. Available from:
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